Blackjack Party Live

The Blackjack Party Live tables from Evolution Gaming give players a different twist on the live dealer blackjack experience. With multiple hosts and a party vibe, it’s a fun and social type of game. What’s more is that it’s geared toward low stakes, social play.
Casinos with Blackjack Party Live
An Introduction to Blackjack Party Live
One of the criticisms some players have about live dealer blackjack is that it comes across as too formal. That’s completely fair considering the level of presentation given from most games. However, Evolution Gaming offers an option that is less “stiff,” so to speak.

That option is Blackjack Party Live, a game with a completely different feel.
The name of the game itself can give you a lot of information about the presentation. There are multiple hosts wearing less formal attire. It’s a bright and fun atmosphere as well with music playing and a lot of dancing around and having fun. Everything is centered around having a good time, and the hosts and other players can cheer you on in the process.
From a gameplay standpoint, it’s also a solid game with fun rules. You don’t even have to be seated at the table to get in on the action. That’s a feature we’ll break down further below. If you’re a recreational player who just wants to unwind, this is the perfect game to do so. However, if you’re a more serious player who just wants a less formal environment, it’s a great option as well.
The Best Casinos for Blackjack Party Live
When looking for a site to play this game, the first thing to look for is the right software. You’ll want to look for casinos that have games provided by Evolution Gaming. Most of those will have this title available whenever you’re ready to jump in and play.
Our recommendation is to look through our reviews of the top casinos out there. From there, look at ones that have Evolution Gaming’s suite of live dealer games.
Once you have that in place, you can start to sort for some other things you may like. One thing to specifically look at is promotions that will work well for you as an individual. That may include bonuses that can be used with live dealer games. However, it can also include other types of promotions and deals that you prefer.

Rules and Gameplay
Despite the party atmosphere, the rules are pretty straightforward as far as multi-deck blackjack games go. With that said, this isn’t exactly the same as traditional online blackjack tables. The live dealer environment coupled with the limited seating can create some unfamiliar situations for a lot of players. We’ll address those in the following as well.
The Basic Gameplay Procedure
The easiest way to learn how to play this game is to understand how a full hand is played through. We’ll take you through that procedure here in what follows. From there, we’ll break down more details about the strategic options and other choices you can make.
- Players begin by placing their wagers. Up to seven people can be at the table at a time, but there are various tables available in most cases.
- Two cards are dealt to the dealer with one of them being face-down. From there, two cards are dealt to each player, and each of those are face-up.
- Starting from the right-hand side of the screen, players make their decisions for how to play their hand. Once one player is finished, the next player to the left does the same. This process continues until all players have made their decisions. We’ll look at which choices you have further down below.
- The cards are scored according to their shown value. For face cards, the value is always 10. Aces have the ability to be worth one point or 11. They are given 11 if it won’t put them over 21, and they are given 1 otherwise. This value can change during the course of playing the hand.
- If the player goes over a total of 21 while playing his or her hand, they bust. This means that their cards are taken away, and they have no chance to win the hand.
- Once the players are finished, the dealers play their hand according to the house way.
That’s it for this part of the hand. Afterward, the results and payouts are determined.
How Results Are Determined
The dealer plays their hand in a very simple way. If a total of 17 hasn’t been reached, another card is dealt. If they get to 17 or higher, no more cards are given to the dealer hand.
Once the dealer’s turn is finished, it’s time to determine the winners. If the dealer goes over 21, everyone wins who still has a hand (who didn’t go bust themselves). Otherwise, the players who have a higher total than the dealer (without busting) win. The players with a lower total lose, and ties are a push.
Payouts are generally paid at 1:1. One exception to this is a blackjack, which is when a player is dealt an ace and a 10-point card initially. Those pay at 3:2. Some strategic options can also change the available payouts to a degree, which we’ll look at below.

The Strategic Options For Playing Your Hand
The players get a few different options in this game for playing their hands. These options involve getting more cards and sometimes changing the size of the wager. While the available choices can seem somewhat limiting, they form the foundation for some seriously strategic play that’s available in this title.
Here are the types of options that players have at their disposal in this title:
- Standing – Players stand when they want to end their turn. Play then continues for the player to that person’s left. If it’s the last player, then it’s the dealer’s turn afterward. You can stand at any time.
- Hitting – Simply put, hitting deals the player one additional card. However, the player’s turn is not over after hitting. Hitting is always an available option.
- Doubling – If you have exactly two cards, then you have the option to double in this game. This does two things. First, you add an additional wager to double the size of your original. Second, you are dealt one and only one additional card. This option ends your turn.
- Splitting – Splitting is only allowed when you have exactly two cards, and they are both the exact same rank. This does two things. First, it splits the cards in two to form two new hands, both of which the player plays normally. Second, it adds an additional wager for the second hand worth the same size as the original. If you split with aces, it ends the turn for both hands.
Those are the four main strategic options available in this game. However, a special sort of side wager is available as well that we’ll look at next.
Betting Behind
This is intended to be a very social game, and that’s where the party atmosphere comes into play. However, with only seven seats at the table, it can seem like there’s not much room for anyone else. Evolution Gaming’s solution to this is the concept of betting behind.
The “Bet Behind” option allows anyone viewing the table to wager along with any of the seven seated tables. It’s as if they were playing the same hand the same way with their own size of wager.
What this allows for is any number of people to get in on the action and enjoy themselves. As a result, you can see the chat area really fill up with a lot of fun and excited players. This is perfect for the overall concept, but there’s more to it still. Even if you’re already playing at the table in one of the seven seats, you can still choose to bet behind any other seated player in the game.

How to Win at Blackjack Party Live
The strategies involved in any blackjack game will vary a bit depending on the specific rules. From there, they will vary further based on how detailed you want to get with your strategies. However, if you follow a standard multi-deck strategy for this game, you’ll be playing decently enough. It won’t be perfect in some cases, but you won’t make any major mistakes either.
Remember that the point of these tables is to have fun. If you enjoy taking the play seriously, then that’s completely fine. However, just make sure you’re having a good time while you play. If that means easing up a bit on the pressure of trying to play perfect strategy, then it might be a good idea to try playing from a bit of a more recreational standpoint.
With Blackjack Party Live, Evolution Gaming has created a very strong social environment. The presentation is a bit different than other live blackjack games. It’s a lot less stiff of an environment, and it’s a great way to unwind and enjoy yourself. Overall, we like seeing different social ideas implemented in the online casino space. Having it over a game of live dealer blackjack just makes it that much more fun.
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