Quickfire is a popular white-label gaming platform used by many online casino sites, as it gives them easy access to Microgaming’s huge catalogue of casino games. Learn all about the platform in this tutorial and compare the best Quickfire casinos with current bonus offers.
Casinos with Quickfire
- Quickfire
What is Quickfire?
Quickfire is an online casino gaming platform used on numerous websites around the world today. Quickfire does not refer to one particular game or online casino, but rather is a piece of technology developed by the software company Microgaming, allowing scores of online casinos worldwide to offer games to their customers.
The platform is particularly popular with players who use mobile devices to get their gaming fix since all the games that run on Quickfire tend to load quickly (as the name would suggest). They are all lightweight and relatively low on data consumption, which is always an important consideration when you’re playing a game using a mobile device.
Whatever types of games you enjoy playing, it’s likely that there will be a Quickfire game that’s exactly right for you. This is because Quickfire currently offers over 400 individual casino games. While many of these are rebadged or rebranded versions of existing games, the ubiquity of options means that there is always likely to be something new and exciting that takes your fancy, if you play at a Quickfire casino.
Given the number of options that are available and the number of Quickfire casinos, it’s likely that you’ve already played one of their games without even realising it. Like most online casino software providers, Quickfire’s games split into many categories. You can find out below what Quickfire has to offer when it comes to your online gaming favourites.
Quickfire Slots
Like many other online gaming providers, the majority of Quickfire’s catalogue is in slot games. All of these follow roughly similar themes, although there are a plethora of additional spin options, mini-games and other small differences between each game, which help to keep things interesting if you are a seasoned player of the virtual one-armed bandits.
Slot machine games are also where Quickfire seems to be focusing most of its development and innovation efforts. If you keep an eye on the games catalogue at the Quickfire casino that you enjoy playing at, you’ll notice that new slot games are introduced regularly. You’ll also see that games are occasionally retired, as players tire of the game mechanics or the licencing deals that allowed Microgaming to use a particularly popular brand or celebrity image finally expire.
Not all of the branded games produced by Microgaming rely on licences which have been bought in from other companies. Some of the most popular Quickfire games use brands such as Avalon, which have been developed by the company themselves from the ground up. Despite the lack of any external PR push, these have become some of the most popular casino games available on the internet.
Quickfire gives access to Microgaming’s phenomenally successful Multi Poker network. This is a system which allows players in online casinos all over the world to connect with each other and play with gamers speaking a vast number of languages in countries around the globe.
This ready-made network of players makes it possible for brand new online casinos to enter the business and instantly offer their players a network of opponents to play poker against. They may never even know that the players that they are competing against are playing on entirely different casino websites on the other side of the world.
Quickfire’s software and platforms take care of most of this intricate detail and make it easy for casinos to focus on looking after their customers and expanding the range of games and other diversions that they are able to offer to their players.
Other Casino Games
Quickfire also offers online casino websites a range of other games. These range from regular casino staples such as blackjack or craps to some more innovative and unique card games that are only provided by Quickfire. This is another area where Quickfire holds a competitive advantage over its rivals in the online casino software development space.
The History of Quickfire
With so many names and websites competing for the top spot in the lucrative world of online gambling, how did Quickfire manage to become such an instant success, and dominate a market which many significant corporations would like to become notable players in? A lot of this success comes from the long-term partnerships that Microgaming has managed to set up with important names in online gambling. Quickfire may well be a new name to you, but there is every chance that you have already heard of companies and websites like Bet365 and William Hill, which are powered by the Quickfire white-label platform.
The other secret to this success lies in the unique games, characters and properties that have been invented or licensed. While, like many of its rivals in the world of casino game development, Quickfire relies in part on brands that it has licensed from other companies, it has also been able to develop a number of its own brands that have become popular with players. This puts the company in a somewhat unique position regarding the power that it has in its market. It does not run the risk of having its business model destroyed following the loss of a significant licence as some of its competitors do.
The brand power that Quickfire Casinos has built up also makes it harder for new rivals to enter the space or for the big brands that the company works with to tear up their contracts. Unusually, in the relationship between developer and big brand name casinos, Microgaming, through Quickfire, is the company that has most of the power. Despite this power, however, there is little indication that there’s any interest in actually opening and operating a casino under their own name. Instead, they seems happy to let other companies deal with the hassle of building up a consumer brand, while it gets on with the task of developing the software that helps them to be so successful.
The company has also managed to grow by expanding beyond the traditional range of casino games into almost every conceivable type of online play. As well as powering blackjack, slots and poker, Quickfire software also sits behind some of the biggest and most popular in-play sports betting websites in the world. They’ve also expanded into the world of live online play bingo, a game that many online casinos have used to widen the demographics of players that they are able to attract .
In short, Microgaming, with Quickfire, has managed to design a business model that puts it in a secure position to expand beyond the traditional world of casino games. It has managed to pursue this expansion while also keeping a close eye on what made it so successful in the first place; unique casino games that people want to play again and again. If it is able to maintain this laser-like focus on what it does best and its continued thirst for expansion, there is no reason why Quickfire Casinos should not continue to be a success for many years to come. Next time you’re playing in your favourite online casino, stop and take a look at who actually designed the games.
What is the best Quickfire casino?
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